JPDA 06-102
(Operator – PC (Timor Sea 06-102) Ltd)
JPDA 06-102 is adjacent to the Bayu-Undan gas-condensate field in a proven oil and gas province. The area also has potential for oil and gas accumulations in deeper horizons below the level of the Jurassic reservoir in Bayu-Undan field.
Significant hydrocarbon shows have been recorded from all four wells, Coleraine-1, Fohn-1, Minotaur-1 and Naga-1, drilled in the area.
The depth to primary target zone is generally less than 3,500 metres sub-sea. There is good 2D seismic coverage across the entire area and water depths are less than 120 metres.
Petronas Carigali will undertake an aggressive work program of geological investigation including acquisition of 3D seismic data and the drilling of 3 wells within the first three years of the PSC.